Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's October and you know what that means!!!!!......'s almost Bible Study Time!

Okay, ladies, it's almost here - our new fall Bible Study!!!

Starting Wed. Oct. 7, we will begin "THE INHERITANCE" by Beth Moore. Classes will be from 6:30 to 8:00 each Wednesday evening for 9 weeks. The cost of the listening guide is $5.

You won't want to miss this exciting new study!!!!!

"Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance." Psalm 16:5-6

P.S....As always, there will be refreshments and there will be childcare! Everyone is welcome. Hope all women will come!!!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Coming soon....

Watch for details of our new Women's Bible Study coming soon. In the meantime, you can attend the co-ed Bible Study that takes place at church on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00.

Will post again when I have the details of our new Bible Study this fall.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Anything new, Ladies?

What new things has the Lord been teaching you through this Bible study? I would love to hear from you! I've been learning a lot and trying to remember what the Lord has been teaching me when it comes to putting what I've learned into practice! Right now, I'm trying to learn to lean on the Holy Spirit and let Him have control. I want to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Every time I start to stress out, I have to remind myself not to worry. I need to walk by faith and not by sight. It's hard, however, it is do-able! I'm practicing - how about you? What do you struggle with the most and how are you learning to deal with it?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Body, Soul and Spirit

It has been interesting learning how we are all made up of 3 different entities: body, soul and spirit - physical, emotional and spiritual. It's also been interesting learning the difference between our soul and spirit.

What new things have you been learning this week during our study: "Discerning the Voice of God?"

Monday, June 8, 2009

New Women's Bible Study!

Here it is ladies....our new Bible Study, starting Wednesday evening, June 10, at 7:00 p.m!!!!!!!!
This study is going to be good!! The cost of the workbook is $10.95. Can't wait to see you there!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Feelings Aren't Reliable

Jeremiah 17:9 says "the heart is deceitful above all things." Why, then, do we give people the advice: "just follow your heart!" According to the Bible, that can be some pretty risky advice. Feelings can be unreliable. Truth is more reliable. Truth is what I want to base my actions on - not feelings. Feelings can be good. Feelings are important. Feelings can even be accurate. BUT, feelings need to concur with the truth in order for them to be worthy of our actions.

When something happens that causes you to feel sad or angry or lonely or any kind of negative emotion, remember to check your feelings with the truth of the situation and make sure they line up. Otherwise, remind yourself that feelings come and go, but truth is reliable. Feelings should serve to strenghthen us, not deplete us!!

When was the last time you either failed or passed the test of feelings verses facts?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Let the words of my mouth....

....and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength & my redeemer." Psalm 19:14

This is the verse we are memorizing throughout this new Bible study. The words we say are powerful. They can cause harm or good. They can be a blessing or a curse. Let's choose blessing - not only the words we say to ourselves, but the words we say to others, as well.

As women, we are very influential persons in our families. Let's use our words to build up our family members, friends, neighbors AND OURSELVES. The book of James says it something like this: "Blessings and cursing should not come out of the same mouth."

Let's choose to be a blessing with our words today!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Newest Women's Bible Study

We will begin the newest women's bible study on Wednesday, April 15, at 7:00 p.m. Our bible study will be one of Jennifer Rothschild's entitled: "Me, Myself & Lies." Here's a brief synopsis:

"Do you ever talk to yourself? Have you ever wondered what you should say when you talk to yourself? Would you like a thought-closet makeover?"

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, or if you are just curious, you should come to the next Women's Bible Study. This study is based on Jennifer Rothschild's book: "Self Talk, Soul Talk." It deals with the things we say to ourselves and how to turn our negative, destructive self-talk into something more positive, biblical and godly.

Join us on Wednesday evenings, starting April 15. This is a 6-week study (7 DVD sessions.) The cost of the workbook is $12.00. Let me know if you have any questions or you want more details/information. Child care will be provided.

Hope to see you soon at the newest Ladies' Bible Study!


P.S...If you talk to yourself (like I do) let us in on some of the things you say. Please write your thoughts in the comment section below.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Movie Night!

On Wednesday evening, March 25, the Esther Bible Study at DVC will come to a close - boohoo!
We are going to end our time together by watching the movie: "One Night With the King." We will start the movie at 6:00 because it is a 2 hour movie. We will have "Build Your Own Taco" night, and of course popcorn and, as always, DESSERT! Anyone is welcome to join us - whether you have been involved in the Esther Bible Study or not. Hasn't this study been GREAT....what was your favorite part?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Today is PURIM!

Today is the date on the calendar for PURIM. I find that very interesting. I have learned a lot about this Jewish holiday. It's a feast - a celebration - a remembrance of the time that God saved His people through Mordecai and Esther. What are some of the parties, unknowns, rescues, ironies or moments that you have found facinating in the book of Esther? Share one of your favorites that you have written in the back of your book on your PURIM worksheet.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Anything new?????

What has the Lord been teaching you through this study of the book of Esther?

I've been looking every where for a "Reversal of Destiny" in a certain situation I've been praying about. What about you?

Anything new?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thanks for all the prayers

Thank you for praying for me. I'm feeling better. It's great to have such good friends and Bible study partners. So, what did you learn last Wednesday night in Bible Study class? I heard Wanda did a great job facilitating. What are some things you learned, either from her or from the video? Have you had a "Reversal of Fortune/Destiny" lately? Please, do tell.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I'm sick today and I thought maybe some chocolate cake would make me feel better, so I made the recipe from the last post. FORGET ABOUT IT!! That is the grossest thing I've ever seen in my some science experiment gone bad!! So, don't bother even trying it.

Reminds me of how we sometimes try to handle things on our own when we really should do what God says, not take short cuts, but spend some serious time with Him on a regular basis.

On page 142 of our homework, near the bottom of the page, Beth said this: "The serpent promised life and delivered death. The Creator promised death and delivered life."

Describe the significance of Romans 8:32 in view of the above. For my answer I put: "Christ is God's Y.E.S.....all other things pale in comparison!

What is your answer to the question? Please list it in the comments section below. Thanks.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Most Dangerous Chocolate Cake Recipe Ever!!


Here's the cake recipe I told you about last night at Bible Study. The reason it's the most dangerous cake recipe ever is that it can be made in five minutes, which means, at any given moment in time, we are only about 5 minutes away from having CHOCOLATE CAKE! :D

For those watching their weight, you can try a few things to make it less calories.

1) substitute applesauce for oil

2) don't use the choc chips

3) only use the egg white, not the yolk

4) only eat half the cake and don't put any ice cream on top!


5) try using a diet soda instead of all the wet ingredients

So, here's the recipe:

1 large coffee mug (did I mention this is a personal size choc. cake?)

4 Tablespoons flour

4 Tablespoons sugar

2 Tablespoons cocoa

1 egg

3 Tablespoons milk

3 Tablespoons oil

3 Tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)

a small dash of vanilla

Here's what it will look like before you cook it

All you do is cook it in the microwave on high for just 3 minutes. Wow - sounds too good to be true. I haven't actually made it yet. Would someone please try it and let me know what it's like. A friend sent me the recipe but I haven't had a chance to make it. I'm hoping one of you will be the tester and let us all know how it turns out. Leave a comment after you try it and let us know how it went. Bon a petite!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

God's Word is Life and Health!

Dear Girl friends,
I've been thinking lately about how much God's word heals us. Psalm 107:20 states: "You sent forth Your Word and healed us."

That is so true! I know of no other way to get healthy spiritually than to go to God's word. I'm not just talking about once or twice a week, I'm talking about a daily dose. It's like when you go to the doctor and he says "Take this pill every day. Don't skip a day. Don't miss a few days. Take it every day and finish it all." We all do our best to follow the doctor's instructions.

Well, how about God's instructions? Do we do our best to follow His word every day? It's the best thing I know to heal a wounded heart. I've seen it, sisters, and I've lived it. I can testify to it. I have other witnesses who can testify to it.

So, my challenge to us is that we spend time in God's word every day. Not just reading a verse really fast to get it done, but meditating on it or memorizing it and living it out, breathing it in and out. God's word is alive and active in me and in you. We need to know what it says. We need to read it. We need to study it. We need to meditate on it. We need to gather together and study it. We need to live it out. There is no better way to be healed. I'm living proof and I know some of you are, as well.

In the comment section, give me an example of how God sent forth His word and healed you.

Friday, February 13, 2009

To all my sisters....

I'm sending you this bouquet of flowers because I love each and every one of you and wish you a Very Happy Valentine's Day. Remember: "God loved us and sent His Son." I pray that all of my fellow blogging sisters out there will have a very blessed day!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


As we study Esther, the themes of Sovereignty and Destiny have been coming up a lot. I'd like to hear about how God has been guiding your life. How have you noticed lately that God's hand has been guiding you. Be as specific as possible. This week's lessons on destiny have been very enlightening and challenging. What about you? It's your turn. Please comment.

Monday, February 2, 2009

How's the homework going?

Dear Ladies,
So, how's the homework coming along? Are you finding time to do it? Are the questions easy or difficult? Are they thought provoking? Are you having as much fun as I am?

Even if you don't answer every question, make sure you read the commentary. It will help as you study these scriptures in Esther.

Leave a comment and let me know how it's going! What's your favorite part of this week's homework?

BTW, we will be having some home made chili and a noodle-bake casserole this Wednesday night, so come early and enjoy some food with us.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

For Crying Out Loud

If I understand our text for this week correctly, Esther's "beauty treatments" may have involved "chemical peels." I'm thinking we could all look as good as a beauty queen if we got that kind of expensive pampering! :D

Have any of you had a "chemical peel?" I never have, but according to Beth, they really hurt. Please comment and let us know if you've had one and whether you recommend it or not.

Also, what I want to know is this: "If Esther was a teenager at this time, why in the world would she need "chemical peels?" I thought those kinds of things were for those of us who are aging and needed a layer of skin taken off!

Could someone please enlighten me???????????

Monday, January 26, 2009

Pamper Yourself....

Since we have been talking about beauty treatments in our homework, we are going to have a little pampering session of our own this Wednesday night. Come early and enjoy a neck/shoulder/back massage, a foot massage in the "bone crusher" (if your man enough! LOL) and an instant hand manicure with my secret salt solution from the Dead Sea. Honestly, it makes your hands soooooo soft - you've just got to try it. Anyway, come early and eat with us and have a beauty're worth it, so pamper yourself!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Women's Retreat Video

If you want to watch a video that Sue put together from the Retreat, just go to the website below. It's cool.....thanks, Sue!

What do you think God thinks....

As you read your Bible, are there times when you wonder how God reacted to different situations? What did God think of a king that forced boys into becoming "eunuchs"? What did God think of a king that forced girls, like cattle, into parading around for him and doing whatever he wanted (including sleeping with him). On page 38 of your homework, Beth asked us if we could think of an example of something in the Bible that made us wonder what God was thinking? Can you think of an example when you felt like God should have stopped an injustice or an immorality? Please post your example in the comments below.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What was your favorite part?

For those of you who went on the Women's Retreat, what was your favorite part? Post your answers in the comments below.
P.S.....If I had to sum up the retreat in one word it would be: WOOHOO!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Your Input

Okay, ladies, have you done your first day of homework, yet? I would like your insights. What is your favorite line from the first day of homework?

Here's mine:

"As you and I spend the next 9 weeks with Him in the pages of Esther's story, God will write something new and unexpected of our own into His."

I'm so excited to see what God has in store for me to learn/experience and how he wants me to grow in the next 9 or 10 weeks. I once heard someone say that you don't stay stagnant in the Christian faith; you are either growing or declining. Let it be said of all of us that we are GROWING!

Your turn. What's your favorite line from this week's homework? Do tell!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009



The countdown is on! Only 27 more hours until ESTHER starts.....Woohoo!!!

Here are the details:

Starting Wednesday evening, Jan. 14, at 6:30pm.
Child-care is available.
Food is provided - come a little earlier than 6:30 and eat with us.....we will have soup this Wednesday night because, BABY IT'S COLD OUTSIDE!!!
10-week study
$15.00 for workbook

Let me know if you have any questions......looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night!!


P.S....Post your comment to the following question: On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being HUGE, how haunted are you by the pictures of physical perfection that loom nearby us all the time?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Dear Princess~
Yes, I'm talking to you! We have all been so blessed by Him. Check out First Peter 2:9. Get your Bible out and read it!

According to I Peter 2:9 and several other verses, we who belong to Christ, are royalty! I've been working through the "Esther" Bible study work book and I've been enchanted with the discoveries I'm making. Check out this quote from Beth's work book, page 97:

"Beloved, absorb this with your whole heart. You are royalty. Not figurative royalty. Not just spiritual royalty. You are in the most literal sense possible the daughter of the universe's King. You have royal blood in a way that even Esther did not. The crimson blood line of Christ flows through your veins."

If that doesn't make your tiara sparkle, I don't know what would. I've been trying to carry myself a little more "regally" ever since absorbing this thought. We receive a royal heritage when we trust Christ as our Savior. Let's live accordingly!!

Monday, January 5, 2009


We are only 9 days away from the start of ESTHER (Wed. Jan. 14 at 6:30). Can you believe it? Wait until you get into this're going to L.O.V.E. it!

Here are a few things Beth has to say in this study:

"It's tough being a woman in another woman's shadow."

"It's tough being a woman in a world where beauty is a treatment."

"It's tough being a woman in a mean world."

What about you? How would you fill in the following blank:

"It's tough being a woman ____________________"

Please post your comment below!

See you soon!!!
