Tuesday, January 27, 2009

For Crying Out Loud

If I understand our text for this week correctly, Esther's "beauty treatments" may have involved "chemical peels." I'm thinking we could all look as good as a beauty queen if we got that kind of expensive pampering! :D

Have any of you had a "chemical peel?" I never have, but according to Beth, they really hurt. Please comment and let us know if you've had one and whether you recommend it or not.

Also, what I want to know is this: "If Esther was a teenager at this time, why in the world would she need "chemical peels?" I thought those kinds of things were for those of us who are aging and needed a layer of skin taken off!

Could someone please enlighten me???????????


janel. said...

I know some girls my age who have had a chemical peel. I am pretty sure that it hurts really bad. My friends have gotton them just to make their skin look healthier and glowing and soft and whatever. I wouldn't do though! Yikes!

Hiker Mama said...

A few years back I had chemical peels every week for about 9 months for medical reasons. The peels took care of the problem that I had. They were a little painful. The worst part was when your whole face starts peeling....nice!