Thursday, January 15, 2009

Your Input

Okay, ladies, have you done your first day of homework, yet? I would like your insights. What is your favorite line from the first day of homework?

Here's mine:

"As you and I spend the next 9 weeks with Him in the pages of Esther's story, God will write something new and unexpected of our own into His."

I'm so excited to see what God has in store for me to learn/experience and how he wants me to grow in the next 9 or 10 weeks. I once heard someone say that you don't stay stagnant in the Christian faith; you are either growing or declining. Let it be said of all of us that we are GROWING!

Your turn. What's your favorite line from this week's homework? Do tell!!


janel. said...

My favorite lines were her last lines...

"When we trust our lives to the hand and pen of an unseen but ever-present God, He will write our lives into His story and every last one of them will turn out to be a great read. With a great ending. And not just in spite of those catastrophes. Often, because of them. Don't just wait and see. Live in see."

What an amazing promise. It just goes to show that we never have to lament or get stressed out or depressed because God promises to turn our sorrows and catastrophes into something amazing and beautiful!! PTL sisters!!

JayCee said...

How true, Miss Wanderlust. Thank you for those insights!

Wanda said...

Do you contemplate on your answer to Janet's question or comments for a while? I do... The answers or comments don't just pop out for me... I have to think on it for a while. So this time I went back to day one and looked for what I had underlined, double underlined, made comments in the margin, etc... I thought about it off and on all day and finally settled on "look for something of yourself within these pages" (on page 13) -- I pray as we study about Esther we can learn some life lessons for ourselves.

My thoughts aren't just about myself. I think of the complexities in life faced by my daughter-in-law, granddaughters, and all of you and your families. What within these pages will help us all and what will speak to us so that we can be there for one another?

I thought of yet another time when my mother inspired me. I was probably grumbling about something or another regarding my appearance and my mom said (more than once) "You must not worry about your looks. You must let others see beyond looks and see your heart. Then not only you, but they will forget your flaws." These words were repeated many times and now I understand my mothers wisdom. As I apply the Esther lesson to our lives, I can hardly wait to see how Esther handles this. Does she let others see beyond her "looks" and see her heart?

JayCee said...

Wanda, Your mother had such great insights. Once again, thanks for sharing with us. I have a feeling you are much like your mother who sounds like she was a WONDERFUL PERSON!