Friday, May 1, 2009

Feelings Aren't Reliable

Jeremiah 17:9 says "the heart is deceitful above all things." Why, then, do we give people the advice: "just follow your heart!" According to the Bible, that can be some pretty risky advice. Feelings can be unreliable. Truth is more reliable. Truth is what I want to base my actions on - not feelings. Feelings can be good. Feelings are important. Feelings can even be accurate. BUT, feelings need to concur with the truth in order for them to be worthy of our actions.

When something happens that causes you to feel sad or angry or lonely or any kind of negative emotion, remember to check your feelings with the truth of the situation and make sure they line up. Otherwise, remind yourself that feelings come and go, but truth is reliable. Feelings should serve to strenghthen us, not deplete us!!

When was the last time you either failed or passed the test of feelings verses facts?