Thursday, March 19, 2009

Movie Night!

On Wednesday evening, March 25, the Esther Bible Study at DVC will come to a close - boohoo!
We are going to end our time together by watching the movie: "One Night With the King." We will start the movie at 6:00 because it is a 2 hour movie. We will have "Build Your Own Taco" night, and of course popcorn and, as always, DESSERT! Anyone is welcome to join us - whether you have been involved in the Esther Bible Study or not. Hasn't this study been GREAT....what was your favorite part?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Today is PURIM!

Today is the date on the calendar for PURIM. I find that very interesting. I have learned a lot about this Jewish holiday. It's a feast - a celebration - a remembrance of the time that God saved His people through Mordecai and Esther. What are some of the parties, unknowns, rescues, ironies or moments that you have found facinating in the book of Esther? Share one of your favorites that you have written in the back of your book on your PURIM worksheet.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Anything new?????

What has the Lord been teaching you through this study of the book of Esther?

I've been looking every where for a "Reversal of Destiny" in a certain situation I've been praying about. What about you?

Anything new?