Thursday, March 19, 2009

Movie Night!

On Wednesday evening, March 25, the Esther Bible Study at DVC will come to a close - boohoo!
We are going to end our time together by watching the movie: "One Night With the King." We will start the movie at 6:00 because it is a 2 hour movie. We will have "Build Your Own Taco" night, and of course popcorn and, as always, DESSERT! Anyone is welcome to join us - whether you have been involved in the Esther Bible Study or not. Hasn't this study been GREAT....what was your favorite part?


Wanda said...

I enjoyed all of the Esther study and learned a lot... my favorite part was how Beth tied it so beautifully with "It's tough being a woman....." which made us stop and think. It also made me more aware of other women's problems.

My second favorite part was the "reversal of destiny" -- I think we all wanted to cheer in session six when Esther exposed Haman's evil plans to King Xerxes. It was meaningful to be reminded that when situations are bad, God is still in control.

How great was session nine? I loved how Beth wrote "Everyone has a story." and then told the story of her father finding the plaque with the same words he had seen on a prison wall in a Nazi concentration camp.

I also enjoyed learning about Purim.

I love the fellowship that we have. And I so appreciate how you, Janet (or Jaycee), lead with so much enthusiasm and love.

JayCee said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Wanda. We appreciate you soooooo much! Thanks for all the food each time.....what a blessing! We love you!!!