Monday, February 2, 2009

How's the homework going?

Dear Ladies,
So, how's the homework coming along? Are you finding time to do it? Are the questions easy or difficult? Are they thought provoking? Are you having as much fun as I am?

Even if you don't answer every question, make sure you read the commentary. It will help as you study these scriptures in Esther.

Leave a comment and let me know how it's going! What's your favorite part of this week's homework?

BTW, we will be having some home made chili and a noodle-bake casserole this Wednesday night, so come early and enjoy some food with us.



Wanda said...

I'm doing the homework... and have you noticed that in this study the homework is even more important than before? Esther is a great story and the homework fills in the part of the story between the videos... important and captivating.

I've found that homework takes about 20 minutes but I think about it all day long. This morning I'm reviewing day 5. Even the title makes me shudder. The destiny of so many are at stake. I can hardly wait for the video to learn more as I sneak a peek at the viewer guide for the video - The Human Dilemma of Destiny.

My mind wanders - God, the same God who never changes is still in charge of our destiny. The same God who would guide Esther and protect His people is still in charge of our world, our country, our neighborhoods, our church and our homes. Praise God who is the same yesterday, today and forever is still in charge.

As I study and think about Esther and how "it's tough being a woman" -- I hope you were here Sunday to hear the song Carol sang. It is still playing in my thoughts... I wonder if Esther felt like there was not one faint hope in sight?

I looked for the lyrics and here is the refrain - about our God who is in charge:

O how I love Him!
How I adore Him!
My breath, my sunshine,
my all in all.
The great Creator became my Savior,
And all God's fullness dwelleth in Him.
What condescension,
Bringing us redemption;
That in the dead of night,
Not one faint hope in sight,
God, gracious, tender,
Laid aside His splendor,
Stooping to woo, to win,
to save my soul

JayCee said...


Anyone else??????????

Anonymous said...

I loved the part on day 4 where Beth was teaching on the timing of the announcement that the Jews would be destroyed. The fact that it was probably the day that the Jews of Persia would have been celebrating Passover was so incredible to me! One of my favorite parts of any Bible study is finding these examples of the wisdom and the intricate detailing of God nestled in the Word just waiting to be uncovered. Nothing catches our God by fact, He was/is several steps ahead of Satan's plans! And more than that, He provides us comfort and peace in all situations if we will only look to Him!

JayCee said...

Very well put, anonymous!