Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thanks for all the prayers

Thank you for praying for me. I'm feeling better. It's great to have such good friends and Bible study partners. So, what did you learn last Wednesday night in Bible Study class? I heard Wanda did a great job facilitating. What are some things you learned, either from her or from the video? Have you had a "Reversal of Fortune/Destiny" lately? Please, do tell.


Hiker Mama said...

I think my life has been a Reversal of Destiny...I was so different just a few years ago. Before I started living my life surrendered to Christ, I was a mess. Sex, drugs and rock and roll were my "closet" priorities. It was all about "me" and I was never content with anything. I always wanted more... Now my heart has softened for the more important things in life. Love, peace, family, friends. I think I have been molded into a kinder, gentler person. Don't get me wrong, I am still a nightmare ready to happen, but those things that were sooo important to me, mean nothing anymore. I found a peace that I never had before. I praise God for the transformation in my life.....

JayCee said...

What a great testimony, hiker-mama.
Thanks for sharing. You are an encouragement to a lot of people.
The Lord has done great things!!!
Anyone else got something to share?