Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Our Last Session on Revelation

It's hard to believe that we have come to our last session together on the book of Revelation. We have learned a lot and the Lord has been gracious in revealing things to us. Tonight's video is the last one in the Revelation series, but come back next week for a video I promised to share with you regarding Muslims who are having dreams and coming to Jesus. It's a very powerful video you won't want to miss entitled: "More Than Dreams." We will also be having dinner at 6:00 so come early and come hungry. Can't wait to see you tonight and hope to see you again next Wednesday, as well. Child care will be provided both nights.

P.S....We will be taking a break from our Women's Bible Study until the first of the year. However, there are several other opportunities for you. 1) The Pastor has a bible study every Wednesday evening at 7:00 where he is going through the books of the Bible. 2) Kevin Royal will be leading a Marriage Enrichment Seminar on Wed. Dec 1 from 6:30 to 8:00. Child care will be provided. Call the church office if you need more information or if you have any questions.

Have a blessed day!!